Monday, November 30, 2009

A Peace Offering

My submission for 67% is still forthcoming, but in the meantime:

This guy has articulated a number of things I've been trying to figure out for years now. I'm inclined to agree with pretty much everything he says (at least until I hear a better counterargument.) What do you bros think about what he says?


  1. I think he's dead on.

    And I don't think there is anything magical about creativity. I think it's easy to teach.

  2. I have always wanted to elevate my body to dedicated brain transportation. Thank you Will, now I see that I am not alone. And damn that military/industrial complex for taking me out of my natural creativity. I knew when I started work as a cog in the machine that I had betrayed myself. Somewhere deep I could tell that it was more serious than just selling out to the man. Seriously, I really enjoyed this and shard it with my teenager, who promptly put it on his facebook page.

  3. I truly enjoyed that. I think people are too quick to write themselves of as not creative or not artistic because they have never given it an honest attempt. It's like randomly opening a math, book failing at one problem, and declaring that you can't do any math.

  4. There is certainly a focus in higher education fine art programs that teaches students to become professors rather than professional artists.

    I think another big challenge facing the arts, is that creative works that reach the masses too often have to pass through committees. As a result, books, paintings, films, etc. often become watered down versions of the artist's original vision. Take children's books. Rick has been talking about (or at least joking about) starting a website of unpublishable children's stories. Why are they unpublishable? Largely because they are too quirky or dangerous to pass through the committees. In my opinion, this significantly decreases the breadth of individuality seen in works that reach the masses.
